Culinary: Selecting variations in Food
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Culinary Tourism In Indonesia

Food is a basic requirement for all people and must be met for continuity our life. more options food available so that any kind of shape - and the kind of varied and have a distinctive characteristic of the geographic region be set in the world. we can enjoy a variety of food is pilhan? certainly can! we provide solutions!   Read More →

Specific Food Of Central Java

If you do not believe you buy please flavor and do at home, cooking for your husband sure my husband will be to you   Read More →

Fried Rice

Recipes are due to the desire to try new things to satisfy our tongue will taste the food, in this time have the opportunity to try good food fried rice recipes call me! Food with a simple material that is easily obtainable in a wide variety of food, Proof of why this food may have become due has been prescribed for you are those who love cooking, almost all people know this cuisine, let's try...   Read More →

Healthy Food

Healthy food and enjoy the natural tune of the Indonesian people. In fact, in 2008, the healthy food trend will be the friction junk food. Food trends shifted again.   Read More →

The aroma of independence on the cuisine!

At this time I want to remember the service that has heroes defend the integrity of Indonesia beloved! What do I do? not far from the cooking course,,, is a dish that represents a sense of nationalism.   Read More →

Culinary Tourism In Indonesia

Food is a basic requirement for all people and must be met for continuity our life. more options food available so that any kind of shape - and the kind of varied and have a distinctive characteristic of the geographic region be set in the world. we can enjoy a variety of food is pilhan? certainly can! we provide solutions!   Read More →

Sate languan Bali

Who did not know Bali island? One of the provinces in Indonesia is very popular with the choice of the place of tourism from both local and international tourists ..   Read More →

Solid nutrients in bananas!

Bananas have a very good nutrient content, such as providing high energy compared with other fruits. Bananas rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and calcium. Bananas also contain vitamins, namely C, B complex, B6, and serotonin is active as a neurotransmitter in the smooth functioning of the brain. Energy value of bananas around 136 calories for every 100 grams, which as a whole comes from carbohydrates. Energy value of banana twice higher than the apple. Apples with the same weight (100 grams) contains only 54 calories.   Read More →

Telur Asin Asap

In October 2008, he received an award from MURI [World Record Museum, Indonesia] as the first person to create smoke salted eggs. Once the spread of news about the delights of this smoke salted egg until it becomes one of the coveted cuisine of Semarang, Central Java and even outside. Not surprising if the product is labeled 'Eltama' is now available in large supermarkets and small with the average price almost doubled the price of regular salted eggs.   Read More →


Shaomai or dumplings are one type of dim sum. In Mandarin, this food is called shaomai, while in Cantonese is called siu maai, and also read shaomai. Shaomai skin was similar to the dumpling skins. This food is reputedly derived from Inner Mongolia. In Indonesia there are many different types of cuisine Shaomai variations based on meat for the contents, ranging from Shaomai mackerel fish, chicken, shrimp, crab, or chicken and shrimp mixture. Materials for the contents mixed with sago or tapioca. Shaomai also no longer wrapped in the skin of the wheat flour.   Read More →

Selecting variations in Food

Diposting oleh Wiaris riVan On 02.54
Here are some practical tips that can be used to select the food safe.

1. Safe From Physical Danger

Avoid foods that are sold in the open and without cover or packaging.
Avoid food sold by restaurants or the restaurants and eating places that handle food sales carelessly.

Observe the condition of food before consumption. Is there a foreign object in it?

2. Safe from Danger Chemistry

Select only the food clean and covered from dust.
Wash vegetables and fruits with clean before being eaten.
Buy food that is sold at clean and protected from the sun, dust, rain, wind and smoke vehicles and away from contamination sources such as waste, or animal pests. Do not buy foods that are sold in the dump. Do not buy food which is packed with used paper or newsprint.
View the price of food. Usually, the price of food does not contain realistic synthetic food additive or over-forbidden and dangerous.
Note the color and taste of food or drink. Product with a color that is too light or too bright likely contain synthetic coloring. So also with the taste. Vigilant against the fried food that looks darker and more color from the normal hard. fried food is not that the rest may be out of stock on the day before and re-fried. If you buy food at the restaurant, restaurants, or places to eat in the other chariness must also be given priority.

3. Danger safe from biological

Purchase food at a place that meets the following requirements:
Net sales and location protected from the sun, dust, rain, wind and smoke and motor vehicle away from the source of contamination such as trash, or from animal pests. Do not buy foods that are sold in a dirty place. If forced to purchase, select the food that was closed to protect it from contamination.
Canteen hygiene or sales tool around both awake and free from garbage, insects and pests.
Cooking equipment and food supplies to be washed clean. Use cloth furniture eat separately from the use for other purposes. Water washing equipment is always clean and replace.
People who hold the food does not hurt, put on clothes and other supplies (towel, hat) are clean, nails and hands clean, close the wound with a waterproof tape, making a practice of good hand washing, do not hold the other handle for holding food or food bantu tool with a clean (not by hand) and not make a bad practice for dealing with food (such as smoke, spit, eat, hold the hair, nose, face or other)

For security reasons, choose the food that was cooked
Some raw food, especially poultry, meat and milk that are not sterilized are often exposed to contamination by microbes cause disease. Concoction that improve security and age store food. With the perfect concoction, the microbes will die of the disease.
Avoid foods that their raw materials in whole or in part is not cooked. We must carefully choose the foods such as roasted chicken, grilled fish, or other cooked foods.

Purchase of food displayed, stored and presented in the following ways:
Does not put food on the floor and protected from contamination.
Place store, sell or install the net, such as roasted chicken Taliwang Jakarta.
Fast food is closed to prevent contamination by dust and insects
All hot foods kept hot (not warm! Heat storage temperature above 60 ° C) and cold foods kept cold (cold storage temperature below 5 ° C)
Food is packed with clean paper, plastic, or other packaging allowed for food. Do not buy food which is packed with the former paper, newsprint or magazine to resemble food.
Do not buy food processing equipment if the storage container and mixed with food or with raw materials, not the food.

Consumption of food correctly
Wash hands before eating
Wash clean fruit and vegetables that will be eaten raw.
Do not buy foods that look and smell are deviant
Buy food that is still hot and eaten immediately after the heat lost.
Do not buy and consume food that is cold
Do not buy the food should be cold, but it is not cold anymore.
Do not buy a drink that is made by using raw water.

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